can ashwagandha help you sleep?

Woman drinking CBD water after doing yoga

There are many factors that can affect our ability to get better sleep at night, however, sleep is something that is important to prioritize when it comes to your overall health and well-being.

Lack of sleep can make it harder for you to focus throughout the day, maintain substantial energy levels, and can weaken your immune system.

So, if you’re wondering how to get better sleep, there is a natural herb that just might be able to help—ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb originating from the traditional system of medicine in India. It has been used for thousands of years to promote an optimal physical and mental state of well-being, as well as treat sickness and disease. Above all, it is used today as a natural way to relieve stress, anxiety and promote better sleep.

Studies have shown its ability to enhance brain function and the nervous system

There are quite a few properties that ashwagandha possesses that makes it one worth getting to know better. Studies have shown its ability to enhance brain function and the nervous system, as well as possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is also often regarded as a tonic, diuretic, astringent, thermogenic, amongst many others.

It’s easy for many of us to resort to fast solutions to sleep faster and better, especially with the sleep aids that exist in the market. However, sleep aids can have negative side effects that can often make you feel worse than you felt before taking them.

This is where natural adaptogenics like ashwagandha come into play. It’s a safe alternative to help you get better sleep at night naturally, minus all of the adverse effects.

In a recent study that looked at how ashwagandha can treat insomnia, it found that patients who were given 300 mg of ashwagandha extract experienced induced sleep, improved sleep quality, and increased amount of time that the patient stayed asleep.

While more research is needed to apply these findings to a general population, it was concluded that ashwagandha does have sleep-inducing potential, and was tolerated very well by the patients in the study despite their health condition or age.

So, considering ashwagandha’s sleep-inducing and anxiety-reducing effects, this can serve as a great option for those looking for more effective ways on how to sleep better at night.

If you decide that ashwagandha sounds like a right fit for you to get better sleep at night, it can luckily be taken in a few different ways.

You can take them in the form of capsules or powder which can be mixed with teas, coffee and water. So, if capsules aren’t your thing, powder form will likely work best.

One of most common questions one might have about introducing a new adaptogen to their wellness routine are side effects, especially as it relates to sleep.

Because ashwagandha has properties that can benefit the mind and body aside from getting better quality sleep, it is safe to take ashwagandha at any time of the day.

Ashwagandha does vary in terms of dosage, and as the study earlier showed, patients who took 300mg of ashwagandha reported that the adaptogen positively affected their sleep.

Quality sleep is one of the key components to your body and brain’s function. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that can help you get the sleep you deserve, while simultaneously working to repair your mind and your body.

If you’re looking for one of the easiest ways to consume ashwagandha and fit it in your day-to-day routine, Zolt’s Dreamy +Collagen Boost and Zolt’s Dreamy +CBD Isolate will have you covered. Featuring adaptogens like ashwagandha to help you fall and stay asleep, Dreamy is an all-natural way to fall asleep quickly, safely, and effectively.

Allow the wonders of ashwagandha to work its magic, and always be sure to consult with your physician before trying a new supplement or adaptogen.