CBD as a nootropic, the “brain booster”

When you sit back in front of your computer after that much needed break, sometimes you need a bit of a brain boost to get back in the zone. It would be nice if you could just ignore those incoming client emails and go back to the shiny non-work object that’s wrangled your attention, but you and I know it doesn’t work that way. Procrastination is only fraught with guilt, not pleasure. 

Here’s an idea: Instead of vacillating between procrastination and procrastination-induced self-loathing, you could try taking CBD — which is a nootropic — to help re-establish your flow state.

The most commonly used nootropic, caffeine, is known to boost energy and focus.


Nootropics (noo-traah-puhks) are natural or synthetic substances that can have an effect on your mental performance.

This means nootropics can have positive effects on memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation. It’s important to know that different kinds of nootropics have different effects of the body, and some can have negative side-effects as well. The most commonly used nootropic, caffeine, is known to boost energy and focus. As with anything you can consume, it’s important to research its effects on the body and ensure its benefits support your health goals.


When researching nootropics, the definition can be as broad as anything that affects the brain, regardless of safety or effectiveness. When using this definition, there have been cited 85 different kinds of nootropics, which includes anything from Lion’s Mane Mushroom to MCT Oil. There is still some discussion on what a “true” nootropic is, but some commonly recognized nootropics are caffeine (coffee!) and L-Theanine, an amino acid found in tea. Green tea is known to have a high concentration of L-Theanine, which can have a calming effect on the brain. It’s no wonder that these nootropics are consumed in the morning, through coffee and tea, when we need to shake off that sleep and get into our day.


Even though it doesn’t have the psychoactive properties that produce a “high,” CBD has been found to have nootropic properties that positively affect the brain.

When CBD is ingested, it enters the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and blocks CB1 receptors, which may help curb anxiety and stress, migraines, and other ailments. There’s also some research that CBD can also improve mental clarity and concentration, because it decreases neuroinflammation in the brain. Neuroinflammation can lead to lack of concentration or “brain fog,” which is a very familiar feeling for some of us. Since many are working-from-home, it seems like it’s easier than ever to fall into a “brain fog” because we lack variety in our day. This is when nootropics can come to the rescue.

A common way to enhance CBD’s nootropic effects is to “stack” certain ingredients together.


Well, CBD as a nootropic sounds all well and good, but how can we get the most out of its brain-boosting effects? A common way to enhance CBD’s nootropic effects is to “stack” certain ingredients together. As you can see with Zolt’s ingredients list, we have coupled hemp-derived CBD with other superfood ingredients to increase homeostasis in the body. Some of these additional ingredients include Black and Green Tea, Ashwagandha, and Guarana. By coupling CBD with ingredients that are packed with amino acids and natural caffeine, it can enhance its nootropic effects. Trying our caffeinated CBD and full-spectrum hemp products – Peak, Peak+, and Well+ – is a good way to begin exploring the power of nootropics.