


Found in many plants and fungi that have been used in Eastern medicine for thousands of years, adaptogens support the stabilization of physiological processes, promote homeostasis, and increase resistance to stress.

A sweet and floral terpene most commonly found in chamomile and cannabis. It’s best known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

A fresh, piney terpene and antioxidant most commonly found in pine trees, rosemary, and orange peels. It’s best known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth.

Providing relief from pain.

Molecular compounds that can prevent or slow cellular damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced by the body in reaction to emotional and physical stress, environmental conditions, and oxidative stress.

Providing relief from anxiety.


A woody and spicy terpene and antioxidant most commonly found in black pepper, basil, oregano, lavender, allspice, fig, cinnamon, rosemary, and cloves. It’s known for its analgesic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, and neuroprotective properties. Beta caryophyllene is a bronchodilator and is known to inhibit cancer cell growth.

A fresh and earthy terpene and antioxidant most commonly found in basil, dill, parsley, rosemary, and pine trees. It’s known for its analgesic, bronchodilator, and neuroprotective properties, as well as its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth.

When we talk about bioavailability we mean how much of the good stuff found in hemp can actually be accessed and put to use by your body. There are many different different formats for ingesting hemp — tinctures, gummies, capsules, etc. — but there’s little consistency in terms of how much of the plant’s biomolecules your body is actually getting when you use each of those.

Format Bioavailability (% your body uses)
Tinctures 13 – 19%; some claims of up to 35%
Edibles, capsules, gummies, concentrates 6 – 20%
Zolt 90%

A minty and spicy terpene and antioxidant most commonly found in ginger, thyme, mint, nutmeg, tarragon, and turmeric. It’s renowned for its analgesic, anti-coagulant, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its role in combating anxiety. Borneol has been shown to inhibit growth of cancer cells.


A pungent and piney terpene and antioxidant most commonly found in nutmeg, rosemary, ginger, and valerian root. Camphene is known for its analgesic and antibiotic properties.

Cannabinoids are a set of at least 113 chemical compounds found in cannabis plants; the best-known and understood of these are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), though each of the plant’s 113 cannabinoids play different roles and exhibit a range of effects in the human body.

A hemp phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940; one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants. Approximately 40% of the cannabinoid content of hemp is CBD. Studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as help in treating chronic pain, depression, anxiety, attention and memory issues, movement disorders, and epilepsy.

To create any CBD product, cannabinoids are extracted from the cannabis plant (Zolt does this using supercritical CO2 extraction) along with other plant compounds, including flavonoids, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.

Once extracted, these compounds can be isolated and then used to create specific formulations commonly described as CBD isolate, full spectrum, and broad spectrum.

  • CBD isolate: Pure cannabidiol isolated from the other molecular properties of a hemp extract. CBD isolate does not include hemp’s flavonoids, cannabinoids, terpenes, or other plant components.
  • Full-spectrum CBD: Contains all compounds found in hemp, including terpenes and essential oils, as well as other cannabinoids. The full spectrum of compounds are believed to work synergistically to enhance the effects of each individual cannabinoid.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD: Includes all compounds found in hemp, including terpenes and essential oils, as well as other cannabinoids with the exception of THC. The broad spectrum of compounds are believed to work synergistically to enhance the effects of each individual cannabinoid.

The quality and effect of any formulation will vary depending on the strain of hemp, method of extraction, and the exact composition and cannabinoid profile of the CBD product itself.

CBN is a cannabinoid that fights free radicals in the bloodstream and is well known to be as beneficial as THC in pain reduction. CBN is antibacterial and has demonstrated promise in fighting antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. CBN in combination with CBD has been shown to relieve myofascial pain, which is caused by overuse of muscles and physical injuries. CBN has been found to reduce overproduction of keratinocyte, which causes skin disorders like psoriasis, as well as works as an inflammatory.

A spicy and woody terpene most commonly found in eucalyptus, oregano, rosemary, guava, and clove. Caryophyllene oxide is known for its anticoagulant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

A fresh and woody terpene found in cedar trees often used as an astringent and insect repellent. Cedrene alpha also has anti-tumor and antispasmodic properties.

A floral and citrusy terpene most commonly found in lemongrass, roses, geraniums, chamomile, and catnip. Citronellol is useful in reducing hypertension and has anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties.


A cannabinoid known to help with nausea while also offering analgesic and neuroprotective properties. Delta 8 THC promotes relaxation and clear-headedness.


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a biological system of neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors (CBRs) and cannabinoid receptor proteins. Endocannabinoid receptors exist throughout the body in the nervous, immune, muscular, digestive, and cardiovascular systems, as well as in internal organs such as the brain, liver, and heart. Research of the ECS is still in its infancy, but it’s known to play a key role in regulating physiological and cognitive processes, the immune system, appetite, pain sensation, mood, and memory.


The United States’ federal 2018 Farm Bill established a legal distinction between hemp and marijuana and federally legalized hemp cultivation and sales. The Farm Bill defines hemp as containing not more than 0.3% of THC, the cannabinoid commonly known for producing a “high”. While hemp had long been an agricultural staple, it was essentially made illegal through the blanket cannabis ban of the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, then formally banned by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, which banned cannabis of any variety.

A pungent and piney terpene most commonly found in fennel, absinthe, and Spanish lavender. Fenchol is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties.

Unstable molecules produced by the body which cause cell damage and inhibit cellular function. Free radicals are produced in reaction to emotional and physical stress, environmental conditions, and oxidative stress.


A terpene and antioxidant with a sweet aroma of roses and citrus most commonly found in rose and citronella oil. Geraniol is known for its antibacterial, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective properties, and is often used in plant-based mosquito repellents.

A terpene with an aroma or lavender and roses most commonly found in lemongrass, coriander almond seeds, celery, and coffee. Geranyl acetate is known for its antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

A floral and woody terpene most commonly found in cypress pine, nutmeg, cumin, and apples. Guaiol is known for its anti-cancer and antibacterial properties.


One of three species of cannabis, a flowering plant. Hemp is grown for a range of nutritive and industrial purposes and was one of the first plants to be spun into usable fiber 10,000 years ago.

An earthy, woody, and spicy terpene commonly found in hops, basil, cloves, black pepper, sage, and ginseng. Humulene alpha has analgesic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, and is also known to inhibit cancer cell growth and act as an appetite suppressant. 

A 25-terpene Zolt proprietaryblend including the following: Alpha bisabolol, alpha pinene, beta pinene, borneol, camphene, caryophyllene oxide, cedrene alpha, citronellol, fenchol, geranyl acetate, geraniol, guaiol, humulene alpha, limonene, linalool, myrcene, nerolidol, ocimene, phytol, pulegone, terpinolene, terpineol, sabinene, and valencene. The hybrid profile is known for being balanced in terms of its energy, being neither sleep-inducing nor particularly energizing.


A 22-terpene Zolt proprietary blend including the following: Alpha bisabolol, alpha pinene, beta pinene, beta caryophyllene, borneol, camphene, caryophyllene oxide, cedrene alpha, citronellol, eucalyptol, fenchol, geraniol, guaiol, humulene alpha, limonene, linalool, myrcene, nerolidol, phytol, terpinolene, terpineol, and valencene. The predominant trait of the indica profile is its relaxing quality.


A bitter, citrusy terpene most commonly found in citrus fruit, pine, rosemary, mint, fennel, and juniper. Limonene is known for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

A spicy and floral terpene most commonly found in lavender, mint, and cinnamon, as well as more than 200 other plants. Linalool has a wide range of uses and boasts analgesic, antidepressant, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic, anxiolytic, and sedative properties.


A terpene with a fruity and clove-like aroma found in sweet basil, mangos, and hops. Myrcene has a wide range of uses thanks to its following properties: analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-insomniac, antipsychotic, and antispasmodic. Myrcene is known to help regulate blood sugar levels as well as inhibit cell mutation.


A woody and floral terpene known for its anti-parasitic, antifungal, antimicrobial, and anxiolytic properties. Nerolidol is most commonly found in ginger, jasmine, lavender, tea tree, and lemongrass.

Nootropics are cognition-enhancing substances, particularly across the areas of executive function, creativity, memory, and motivation.


A sweet, herbaceous, and woody terpene commonly found in mint, parsley, tarragon, pepper, basil, mangoes, and orchids. Ocimene is known for its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties, as well as its role as a decongestant.

Organic is a term used to describe agricultural production without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides, which are known to contribute to ecological degradation and damage the food web, as well as present a threat to human health. Organic farming emphasizes sustainability through techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting, and fertilizers and pesticides, when used, must be organic in origin. Organic farmers may use naturally-occurring pesticides and often take an integrated approach to pest management, leveraging elements of the ecosystem which naturally manage or deter the threat of their crops’ destruction by insects and animals.

An imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body, generally caused by exposure to environmental toxins such as industrial chemicals and pesticides; a diet high in sugar, fat, and processed foods; and alcohol consumption, among others. Free radicals are oxygen-containing molecules known to inhibit cellular function.


A grassy and balsamic terpene commonly found in green tea and degrading chlorophyll. It is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its utility as an anticonvulsant and anxiolytic when paired the neurotransmitter GABA.

A terpene with a peppermint aroma often found in catnip and holy stick trees known for its utility in treating indigestion, menstrual cramps, and anxiety.


Woody, spicy, and peppery, this terpene is commonly found in black pepper, myristica evergreen, norway spruce, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamon. Sabinene is known for its antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

A 17-terpene Zolt proprietary blend including the following: Alpha bisabolol, alpha pinene, beta pinene, beta caryophyllene, camphene, caryophyllene oxide, citronelle, geraniol, humulene alpha, limonene, linalool, myrcene, nerolidol, phytol, terpinoel, terpinolene, and valencene. The predominant trait of the sativa profile is its energizing quality.

The cleanest, safest, and most effective method of gleaning plant biomolecules. No hazardous chemicals or solvents are used in this process, and the hemp extracts produced are completely free of impurities or other unwanted ingredients. SCO2-derived extractions are renowned for their purity.


Terpenes, the aromatic natural compounds within plants, entice pollinators and discourage predators. More than 200 distinct terpenes have been identified within cannabis, and each plant strain’s composition of them is unique. Terpenes are present in full-spectrum hemp along with the full range of cannabinoids, and the interplay across and within those two elements is suspected to play a significant role in enhancing their effects in the human endocannabinoid system.

A smoky and piney terpene and antioxidant found in eucalyptus sap, lilac, pine trees, and lime blossoms. Terpineol has been shown to inhibit tumor growth and is known for its sedative, anxiolytic, and antibiotic properties.

A smoky and woody terpene and antioxidant most commonly found in lilac, tea tree, nutmeg, apples, cumin, and pine trees. Terpinolene is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and sedative properties, and has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth.

THC is the phytocannabinoid responsible for the psychological effects of marijuana. In hemp, THC is present at a low level, less than 0.3%, and does not produce the “high” of marijuana, which contains 12% THC.

Though THCv is a cannabinoid similar to THC in molecular structure, it offers a range of completely different effects and benefits within the human body; among them: appetite suppression, blood sugar regulation and reduction of insulin resistance, neuroprotection, and bone health.


Citrusy and sweet, this terpene is found in valencia oranges and clementines. Valencene is known for its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties.